Centro de Investigación en Ciencias de Información Geoespacial


Dra. Armelle Yvette Gouritin

Principales líneas de investigación:
Derechos ambientales/climáticos Justicia ambiental y climática Movilidad humana impulsada por la degradación del ambiente y los impactos del cambio climático Conflictos socioambientales ...
Última actualización: Sábado, 13 Julio 2024
Armelle Yvette Gouritin
Correo electrónico
CentroGeo Aguascalientes
Investigadores por México
Grado de estudios
Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales - Derecho

Armelle integró el CentroGeo en junio de 2024.

Tiene un doctorado en Ciencias Sociales (derecho). Es Investigadora por México del CONAHCYT y actualmente desarrolla las siguientes líneas de investigación: Justicia ambiental y climática, conflictos socio-ambientales, y Movilidad humana impulsada por la degradación del ambiente y los impactos del cambio climático. 


Nivel I
Principales líneas de investigación
  • Derechos ambientales/climáticos
  • Justicia ambiental y climática
  • Movilidad humana impulsada por la degradación del ambiente y los impactos del cambio climático
  • Conflictos socioambientales
  • Enfoque diferenciado: enfoque de género/Pueblos Indígenas/Afromexicanos
Publicaciones relevantes


  1. Gouritin, A. (2022). Climate displacement in Mexico. Towards vulnerable populations protection. Springer, ISBN 978-3-031-10334-6, November, 217 p.
  2. Gouritin, A. (Ed.) (2021). Climate migrants in Mexico (Migrantes climáticos en México). FLACSO Mexico, ISBN: 978-607-8817-02-3, October, 348 p. (Autora de 4 de los 6 capítulos del libro, y co-autora de los 2 otros capítulos).
  3. Gouritin, A. (2016). EU Environmental Law, International Environmental Law, and Human Rights Law: confirmation, complement and conflicts. The Case of Environmental Responsibility. BRILL, International Environmental Law Series, ISBN 9789004302136, January, 416 p.


Artículos (dictaminados)

  1. Gouritin, A. (2024a). Desplazamiento climático en México y justicia ambiental crítica: hacia una nueva línea de investigación. Perfiles Latinoamericanos32(64). https://perfilesla.flacso.edu.mx/index.php/perfilesla/article/view/1676 (Q3, SJR 2023 0,22)
  1. Gouritin, A. (2024b). A rights‐based approach to the choice of forum in climate displacement litigation: Lessons from the Americas. European Law Journal29(3-6), 362-377 (Q1, SJR 2023 0,34)
  2. Gouritin, A. (2024c). “Migración climática” (Climate migration). Enciclopedia de Sostenibilidad, Ética y Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en Latinoamérica, Blanca A. Camargo, Luis Portales, Rosalía G. Castillo-Villar (Ed.) Universidad de Monterrey, Escuela de Negocios
  3. Aguilar, A., Gouritin, A. (2020). “Offset-carbon Networks in Mexico: The Heterogeneity of Regulation and Its Effects on the National Carbon Market”, Revista Sociedad y Ambiente, Vol. 23 doi: 10.31840/sya.vi23.2198
  4. Gouritin, A., Aguilar, A. (2017). “The adoption of the American Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples: a critical analysis from the perspective of environmental rights”, Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional, Vol. XVII, pp. 291-327 (S) (main and corresponding author) (Q4, SJR 2023 0,13)
  5. Gouritin, A. (2014). “The right to access environmental information: added value for the “green consumption””, European Journal of Consumer Law, 2014/1, September 2014, pp. 95-120 
  6. Gouritin, A. (2012a). “EU Regulation 66/2010 on the EU ecolabel: in between green consumerism and green wash?”, Revue Européenne du Droit de la Consommation, 2012/3, pp. 493-510 
  7. Gouritin, A. (2012b). “The Boxus case: environmental procedural rights in the context of the adoption of a project that could have an impact on the environment”, Journal de Droit Européen, N°188, April 2012, pp. 112-113 
  8. Gouritin, A. (2011). “The international regime for the compensation of oil-pollution damage: a good candidate to have a human rights law approach?”, Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, Vol. 20 n°2, pp. 194-207 (Q2)
  9. Gouritin, A., De Hert, P. (2009a). “Directive 2008/99/EC: A new start for criminal law in the European  Community?”, Environmental Law Network International, No 1/2009, pp. 22-27 (main and corresponding author)
  10. Gouritin, A., De Hert, P. (2009b). “The Directive on the protection of the environment through criminal law: first realisation of the “new” european criminal system”, Journal de Droit Européen, Bruxelles, June 2009, N° 160, pp. 164-170 (main and corresponding author)
  11. Pallemaerts, M., Gouritin, A. (2007). “The strategy of the European Union for sustainable development”, Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP 1961 45p. October 2007 


Capítulos (selección)

  1. Gouritin, A. (2023). “Chapter 9. Climate displacement: Input of the Critical Environmental Justice. The Mexican case.” In Vulnérabilité(s) environnementale(s), Perspectives pluridisciplinaires, Bentirou R., Pomade, A., and Becerra S. (Eds), L’Harmattan, pp. 201-228
  2. Gouritin, A. (2020). “Towards a Prevention-Driven Adaptation Strategy, as Applied to Indigenous Peoples’ Internal Climate Migration: Some Inputs Based on a Rights-Based Approach.” In Climate Change, Hazards and Adaptation Options, Leal W.F., Nagy G., Borga M., ChavezD., and Magnuszewski A. (Eds.), Springer, Cham., pp. 979 - 991
  3. Gouritin, A. (2017). “The New-Delhi principles before the European Court of Human Rights: a limited but solid recognition.” In Sustainable Development Principles in the Decisions of International Courts and Tribunals 1992-2012, H.E. Judge C.G. Weeramantry, Cordonier Segger M.C., and Saito Y. (Eds.), Routledge, May 2017, pp. 515 – 536
  4. Gouritin, A.(2016). “Setting limits to the negative effects of the politics against drugs: the case of environmental security in Mexico.” InSécurité et environnement, Clinchamps, N., Cournil, C., Fabregoule, C., and Ganapathy Doré G. (Eds.), Bruylant, Nov. 2016, pp. 321 - 334
  5. Faure, M., Gouritin, A. (2014). “Environmental protection: a complete blurring between environmental criminal law and environmental administrative law.” In Do labels still matter? Blurring boundaries between administrative and criminal law, Weyembergh, A., (Ed.), Presses de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles, Oct. 2014, pp. 109-136 (corresponding author)
  6.  Gouritin, A.(2013). “The EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights: impact on the link between human rights and EU climate policies.” In Changements climatiques et droits de l’Homme : les options politiques de l’Union Européenne, Cournil, C., and Tabau, A.S., (Eds), Bruylant, Oct. 2013, pp. 243-270 
  7. Gouritin, A. (2012a). “Water management and protection in France.” In Environmental Protection in Multi-Layered Systems. Comparative lessons from the water sector, Palermo, F., and Alberton, Ñ. (Eds.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (Brill), pp. 433-462
  8. Gouritin, A. (2012b). “Towards a normative value of the right to food before regional human rights Courts? Complementarity, paradoxes and input of the « right to the environment ».” In Changements globaux environnementaux et Droits de l’Homme, Cournil, C., and Fabregoule, C., (Eds.), Bruylant, Brussels, pp. 391-413
  9. Pallemaerts, M., Gouritin, A. (2011a). “Environmental Rights Standards. The EU’s Self Proclaimed Global ‘Green’ Leadership in Question.” In La protezione dei diritti fondamentali: Carta dei diritti UE e standards internazionali, Rossi, L.S. (Ed.), Edioriale scientifica, Roma, pp. 93-112 (corresponding author)
  10. Gouritin, A. (2011b). “Potential liability of European States under the ECHR for failure to take appropriate measures with a view to adaptation to climate change.” In Climate Change Liability, Faure, M., and Peeters, M. (Eds.), Edward Elgar, 2011, pp. 134-162
  11. Gouritin, A. (2010). “Can the case law of the European Court for Human Rights on positive obligations in environmental matters be applied to climate change?” In Les changements climatiques et les défis du droit, Actes de la journée d’études du 24 mars 2009, Cournil, C., and Colard-Fabregoule, C. (Eds.), Bruylant, January 2010, pp. 251-276

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Participación en proyectos

Dirección/coordinación de proyectos

2023-2024  “Qualitative study on climate and environmental migration in Mexico” (“Estudio cualitativo sobre migración climática y ambiental en México”), Principal Investigator, Funding: World Bank/International Organization for Migration

2023-2024  “Judicialization of environmental inequalities and empowerment of traditional communities in Brazil and Mexico: comparative analyses, interdisciplinary perspectives” co-principal investigator (Funding: Research Partnership Grant 2023. Bilateral research cooperation with the Latin American Region 2021-2024, Leading House Latin America)

2018-2019  “Climate migrations in Mexico: an ignored phenomenon. Proposals of elements of public policy” (“Las migraciones climáticas en México: un fenómeno ignorado. Elementos de propuestas de políticas públicas”), project coordinator. Funding: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Programa de Investigación en Cambio Climático

2017-2018 “The Road from Paris to Sustainable Development. Effectively Integrating Human Rights and Gender Equality into all Climate Actions of EU institutions”, for the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, co-editor, case study: Mexico (single author), author and co-author of various chapters of the report available at https://eu.boell.org/sites/default/files/visu15june.pdf


Participación en proyectos

2014 Evaluation of Mexican Climate Change policies (“Propuesta de diseño institucional y generación de insumos conceptuales y metodológicos para la evaluación de la política nacional Mexicana en materia de cambio climático”), for the Mexican Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (member of the team coordinated by Dr. Raul Pacheco-Vega). Funding: INECC, Mexico